Utilisateur leostan

Membre depuis 2 mois (depuis 08-Février)
Fonction Utilisateur enregistré
Prénom et nom:
Site web: https://federalcriminallawyer.info/human-trafficking-lawyer-nj/
A propos: A notable advancement in the legal practice of human trafficking in New Jersey is the formation of specialist task forces and multidisciplinary teams. Law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, social service providers, and legal experts collaborate in these initiatives to improve victim support services, expedite investigations, and prosecute traffickers more successfully. These task forces have greatly improved the state's ability to recognize and prosecute cases of human trafficking while placing a high priority on the needs of survivors by combining resources and expertise.

Activités de leostan

Réputation 0 points
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Réponses apportées 0
Commentaires apportés 0
A évalué 0 idées, 0 réponses
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A obtenu 0 votes +, 0 votes -